More than thirty years have passed since Silvano Volpato founded his footwear company. It was in 1979, when each part of a shoe was made by hand. Passion for beauty and perfectionism in manufacturing high-quality products allowed Mr. Volpato to create a company that, with the passing of time, has become renowned all over the world: Via Roma 15.
As a matter of fact, Mr. Volpato managed, over the years, to involve his family in the project and has surrounded himself with valued collaborators; he created a successful team that was able to launch into the market hand-craftmanship and innovative products. As in the past, Via Roma 15 shoes are still handmade, with the supportive assistance of some technologies.
The shoes of the renowned shoe factory can be found in all the most important shoe shops, also abroad: New York, Beverly-Hills, Ibiza, St. Tropez, Tokyo, Milan, Paris, Moscow, London, Amsterdam and Sidney; Via Roma 15 shoes are fit for those who love to wear something original, who like Vintage, or are looking for trendy shoes.
The “Made in Italy” that doesn’t follow the fashion trends, but creates them, is the pride of the company which has always aimed at meeting its clients’ requirements, with steadiness and devotion – it has always provided its trendy young and adult clients with incomparable shoes.
It can be undoubtedly said that, within the footwear field, Via Roma 15 is a brand that made history and created trends, also through the collaboration with famous and renowned Italian fashion designers. Quality, originality, and versatility are the main characteristics of Via Roma 15 shoes: definitely worth trying.

More than thirty years have passed since Silvano Volpato founded his footwear company. It was in 1979, when each part of a shoe was made by hand. Passion for beauty and perfectionism in manufacturing high-quality products allowed Mr. Volpato to create a company that, with the passing of time, has become renowned all over the world: Via Roma 15.
As a matter of fact, Mr. Volpato managed, over the years, to involve his family in the project and has surrounded himself with valued collaborators; he created a successful team that was able to launch into the market hand-craftmanship and innovative products. As in the past, Via Roma 15 shoes are still handmade, with the supportive assistance of some technologies.
The shoes of the renowned shoe factory can be found in all the most important shoe shops, also abroad: New York, Beverly-Hills, Ibiza, St. Tropez, Tokyo, Milan, Paris, Moscow, London, Amsterdam and Sidney; Via Roma 15 shoes are fit for those who love to wear something original, who like Vintage, or are looking for trendy shoes.
The “Made in Italy” that doesn’t follow the fashion trends, but creates them, is the pride of the company which has always aimed at meeting its clients’ requirements, with steadiness and devotion – it has always provided its trendy young and adult clients with incomparable shoes.
It can be undoubtedly said that, within the footwear field, Via Roma 15 is a brand that made history and created trends, also through the collaboration with famous and renowned Italian fashion designers. Quality, originality, and versatility are the main characteristics of Via Roma 15 shoes: definitely worth trying.

More than thirty years have passed since Silvano Volpato founded his footwear company. It was in 1979, when each part of a shoe was made by hand. Passion for beauty and perfectionism in manufacturing high-quality products allowed Mr. Volpato to create a company that, with the passing of time, has become renowned all over the world: Via Roma 15.
As a matter of fact, Mr. Volpato managed, over the years, to involve his family in the project and has surrounded himself with valued collaborators; he created a successful team that was able to launch into the market hand-craftmanship and innovative products. As in the past, Via Roma 15 shoes are still handmade, with the supportive assistance of some technologies.
The shoes of the renowned shoe factory can be found in all the most important shoe shops, also abroad: New York, Beverly-Hills, Ibiza, St. Tropez, Tokyo, Milan, Paris, Moscow, London, Amsterdam and Sidney; Via Roma 15 shoes are fit for those who love to wear something original, who like Vintage, or are looking for trendy shoes.
The “Made in Italy” that doesn’t follow the fashion trends, but creates them, is the pride of the company which has always aimed at meeting its clients’ requirements, with steadiness and devotion – it has always provided its trendy young and adult clients with incomparable shoes.
It can be undoubtedly said that, within the footwear field, Via Roma 15 is a brand that made history and created trends, also through the collaboration with famous and renowned Italian fashion designers. Quality, originality, and versatility are the main characteristics of Via Roma 15 shoes: definitely worth trying.