Alexander Smith is the story of a family that, starting from an ancient profession in the footwear industry, has been capable of evolving naturally over time, becoming an innovative brand aimed at achieving excellence.
The passion for craftsmanship, attention to the environment, quality of raw materials and attention to detail are the values of family tradition that have been handed down for three generations and that have allowed the realization of this project.
The meeting between creativity and know-how has been achieved with the Alexander Smith brand in 2012 in London. The idea unfolds by being captured in the multicultural atmosphere and dynamism of the city and culminates in the Riviera del Brenta, where the past meets the future, tradition evolves into innovation and experience and passion are driven towards the creation of new styles and new trends.


Alexander Smith is the story of a family that, starting from an ancient profession in the footwear industry, has been capable of evolving naturally over time, becoming an innovative brand aimed at achieving excellence.
The passion for craftsmanship, attention to the environment, quality of raw materials and attention to detail are the values of family tradition that have been handed down for three generations and that have allowed the realization of this project.
The meeting between creativity and know-how has been achieved with the Alexander Smith brand in 2012 in London. The idea unfolds by being captured in the multicultural atmosphere and dynamism of the city and culminates in the Riviera del Brenta, where the past meets the future, tradition evolves into innovation and experience and passion are driven towards the creation of new styles and new trends.